Job satisfaction is important to many people and it can be split down in to two types. Intrinsic and extrinsic both impact on a persons level of job satisfaction. Intrinsic is linked to the satisfaction the person gets from the job they do in terms of tasks they undertake, responsibility in their role and the day to day tasks that they complete. Extrinsic satisfaction is linked to the workers conditions in their role such as pay rate, co workers, supervisors / management and working surroundings.
In order to have complete job satisfaction you need to be happy with all aspects of the above but unfortunately this is often hard to come by. Many people feel that they are happy with the intrinsic parts of the job but not the extrinsic or vice versa. If this is the case you need to weight up which is more important to you and can you do anything to improve your job satisfaction. If for example you like your job but are on a low wage then asking for a pay rise could improve your overall satisfaction.