
Finding a job that is rewarding

For some people a job is just a job and it is not something that they particularly enjoy doing. This is ok but after a time it can start to wear you down and ideally if you can find a job that you enjoy doing and that is rewarding you are more likely to do well and feel satisfied.

There is no one job that fits all. For example, for one person the thought of working as a teacher is something that they know they would find really satisfying and fulfilling for others, they could think of nothing worse. If you are struggling to know what job you would like to do, think of something that you enjoy doing and then think of jobs based around that.

IT may be that you love animals, if so, you may wish to train as a vet or veterinary assistant. TO become a vet you need to have completed a degree which may take up to 7 years. This may not always be possible for many people but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dream of working with animals. If you cant train to be a vet then you may opt for a veterinary assistant or even to work in a animal rehoming centre.