
Volunteering in a school

If you are a stay at home parent or work from home then you may feel that you are missing out on the social aspect of working with other. This may be especially true after the last 12 -15 months of restrictions due to the Covid pandemic. It may be that your job fits in well with the school times or that you are not able to commit to working at the moment but finding some time where you can be in a different environment other than the home is important.

You may be able to volunteer to do work in the school. This could include being a lunch time supervisor (although you will probably get paid for this) or going in and listening to children read. This not only gets you out the house but can also ensure that you get to meet new people and focus on something else for a bit.

Not all schools are allowing parents in to listen to children read at present but hopefully come September the rules will be relaxed and this can happen more often again. IT is worth putting your name down now, in readiness for the new term.